About: University of the Nations (UofN)
Youth With A Mission (YWAM) encompasses three things: Evangelism, Mercy Ministry and Training.
The University of the Nations was birthed within YWAM out of the need for Training. Young people were going into missions with a great fire and love for Jesus, but with little foundation. So the first “schools of Evangelism” were started. This then evolved into the present day “Discipleship Training School,” a 6 month process where students spend 3 months in a classroom setting learning about Jesus, the Nature & Character of God, Hearing God’s Voice, Spiritual Warfare and so on, and then putting this into practice during the 3 months field assignment. Out of this the need for further equipping was birthed to make a difference in every sphere of society.
Currently the University of the Nations has 600 locations on all continents and in 160 nations.
The following Colleges and Centers exist to offer Associate, Bachelor and Master Degree programs with a Bible based foundation: Arts Health Care Applied Linguistics & Languages Sports & Fitness Family Studies, Christian Ministries Communication Whole Person Care & Development Education Humanities & International Studies Science & Technology International centres.
On the uofn.edu website you will read that
“The Discipleship Training School (DTS) including the field assignment is a prerequisite for all other UofN courses. The DTS is the gateway into the seven Colleges/Faculties and various Centres of the UofN. Students may apply to any DTS offered presently at more than 600 locations in over 160 countries and 97 languages around the world.
Once the student has completed the DTS, he or she may take advantage of the wide variety of courses the UofN offers. These courses are designed to equip the student to live and practice Christ’s last command to “make disciples of all nations….teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). A student does not need to be registered in a degree programme to take UofN courses for which he or she is qualified. Students may take schools in any of the various Colleges/Faculties and locations that best fit their ministry goals. To be admitted to a UofN course, an applicant must provide proof of the ability to do university-level coursework in the language in which the course is offered.
This approach to education offers students the flexibility to pursue those areas of study which are beneficial for reaching their life goals. Students are encouraged to be obedient to the call of God as they seek the equipping necessary to pursue their God-given ministries.
All UofN courses are given a special number preceded by a three letter designator which indicates the College/Faculty or Centre/Institute that offers the course. These letters are followed by a three-digit number which indicates the kind of course it is, within the College/Faculty or Centre.”