In Yaounde the 3d African Bible Safari conference has begun

During this conference the francophone pastors in Cameroon gathered at a beautiful monastery in the capital city, Yaounde. With our team we are also housed in this monastery and the view is just captivating. We feel very loved and welcome and are also enjoying the cleanliness of the place. There are little wash basins with soap on the outside of buildings. So good!
Jackson has been speaking on the spheres of Society, Sean shared the testimony of how the Bible transformed South Korea and Kayode has been speaking on worldview and government (see the speakers in the picture above).

One of the main highlights is that one of the pastors at the conference had started translating the gospel into one of the bible-less languages! It is a language spoken in a big part of the capital where we are. Finding this man seemed such a divine appointment. Jackson is talking with him about recording an oral bible translation and he is fully engaged in the African Bible Safari Conference. Praise the Lord!

Next week we will enter the final stage of this conference in Yaounde where I will be able to share again about personalities and maybe even some things about working in the business world.

One of the challenges we went through in the beginning was the uncertainty of meals. For example lunch came at 4pm the first few days and because we are not near any shops or transportation (to get to them) we basically ate more than one meal of Pringles and cookies. Thankfully we have since been able to communicate with our hosts about mealtimes and we are now enjoying delicious food on time- what a blessing.  But it’s that day to day reality that was quite a challenge for me as a mother. I like to structure and plan my day and to miss one of those basics as food really took so much (emotional) energy. I had to really watch my “mood” and attitude. It’s so easy to be grateful and thankful when you are well fed and enjoying comfort. It is another thing to have that same attitude when circumstances are not so enjoyable. I wouldn’t say I have “passed that test” but I do see where the Lord is stretching me at a personal level. I’m also amazed at the flexibility of our children who took naps despite being hungry and just “took things as they came”.

Family Finances Update

In January we communicated that we needed $20,000 for all phases of this family outreach till we return to Kona in June. Throughout this trip we have seen $11,000 come in so far! Thank you so much to you who have partnered with us financially! Every step has been one in faith and we are so grateful to the Lord for his provision.
As we anticipate traveling back to the Netherlands next week and then on to Germany before heading back to Kona we are still in need of the remaining $9,000 to come in. If you would like to contribute to our family finances you can read here about donating with tax deduction.
Or paypal to: for giving without tax deduction.
Thank you for standing with us in prayers and support!



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