God is Good!

There shall be showers of blessing…

Never has that song seemed so real to me than now. The generosity that we experienced surrounding this DC trip was just incredible and it didn’t end there… When I initially wrote the update I didn’t think anybody would want to give towards a “Passport Renewal” but the truth is all the money came in within a week or so. And on top of that we now have spending money as well. Also his itinerary worked out in a remarkable way being able to visit friends he has not seen for a long time, and getting an opportunity to share in a church. God is good! And we want to thank you for partnering with us in this adventure.

Our Precious Little Girls

Our Precious Little Girls

Baby Ndecheck is 26 weeks old

Baby Ndecheck is 26 weeks old

Back in Kona the showers of blessing continued: a friend of ours went to the beach with me on the weekend and then she cleaned my entire house! She helped me rearrange furniture (I guess I am in the “nesting” stage of pregnancy) and she babysat the girls while I went for a swim the next day. Then in the evening I had done some laundry and when I came to pick it in the laundry room someone had folded it for me (like when does that ever happen?). Then I received gifts of food yesterday and today, so I am just overwhelmed with all this love and blessing. I also really “feel” God’s grace during these days of being apart and me being pregnant and taking care of our girls. They are missing daddy in their own sweet way. For example Hope prayed yesterday that “mommy would stay awake all night so that when she wakes up she will be sitting there for me to find her in the morning…” (thanks so much my daughter :-).. Then she came to “check on me” at 10pm and I was still at my desk (and told her to go to bed). Anyway happy God did not answer that prayer entirely as I slept incredibly well…

Countdown till Daddy Comes home

Countdown till Daddy Comes home

As you can see Jackson is in the snow where he had an amazing time with friends in New Jersey & New York. Tomorrow he travels to the embassy for his passport renewal. Your prayers are appreciated!

Not only is the countdown till Daddy comes home, but the day after he returns Opa & Oma (Anneke’s parents), Tante Martine (Anneke’s Sister) and Tante Judith (a friend) will be coming to Hawaii for their vacation! It will be a great time of fellowship and celebration to which we are very much looking forward.



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