Riding the wave to End Bible Poverty Now in Cameroon…

Waters have been swelling in the deep, deep ocean. Little was visible, but now after 5 years of training and equipping it seems like the shoreline is visible, the waves are getting higher and we are reaching our first nation- Cameroon.

Neither Jackson or myself know how to surf, but those who have heard Loren Cunningham share about the vision he had before starting YWAM it was about waves of young people washing ashore everywhere on earth preaching the gospel (read his book “Is That Really You God?” if you are interested to know more).

We feel this year is different for us.

Unlike any other year before it seems like this is the first time we (and you) will be able to see the beginning of what we have been in training for all these years. It literally feels like we are riding a wave.

When we came to Kona in 2010 we knew we were entering a season of training. Jackson pursued his degree at the University of the Nations and after doing the School of Biblical Studies together Anneke did one more school- Foundation in Counseling Ministries before becoming Darlene’s Kona Assistant in 2011 and Loren’s Assistant in 2012. Since then it has been 5 full years of studying, outreach and ministry in this capacity. Yes we certainly did not stop ministering to the people put in front of us, but we were planning to do all this to move to Africa. Then the Lord spoke to us to “Make Kona Our Home” and so we moved forward in that as you know. Funny enough after this the doors started opening for Africa.

School of Massive Evangelism Movement

As Jackson was asked to lead “End Bible Poverty Now in Africa” a vision was birthed as to how this would start in 2016. God started bringing people to us committed to go for a minimum of 3 months! some even for 2 years. We felt Jackson was to start this initiative and therefore Jackson has just flown to Cameroon to prepare to launch the “School of Massive Evangelism Movement” that will run January 18-30 where participants will learn how to do Oral Bible Recordings, Holistic Discipleship (see Posters for 4 of the 7 spheres above) and much more. About 50-100 Overseers, Pastors and other Christian leaders are expected to attend this training that will be followed by a 2 month outreach where they will record the first Bible-less languages.


In light of this training he asked various speakers to come and teach and the quality of speakers that will come is unbelievable. Some even just committed to come about a week ago and they got their visas and plane tickets already… It is truly a God thing and we are all watching closely to see what will unfold in Cameroon these next 3 weeks.

Please be praying with us for the team Jackson is leading on ground. For breakthrough during this training and for multiplication and the translation of these 108 bible-less languages.
Also pray for our R1 visa approval as this is needed so that Jackson can come back into the country January 30th!


God has been so faithful to us in provision of the initial equipment to do the oral bible recordings and show the Jesus Film during the outreach phase.

He has also provided for the kids and I here in Kona in sending help our way. A family has volunteered their 3 teenage daughters to help us during this time as well as other friends offering to stop by. I already feel very blessed and the past two days have been great. The children fully released their daddy and we pray for him every day. It was a prayed through decision that Jackson went alone to start things up. The plan is that in April we can go as a family to be a part of this outreach as this project will continue even when Jackson is not there.

I spoke to Jackson briefly when he was waiting for his flight in Paris this morning and he told me how God had even sent a person at the airport whom he had a coffee with and then when he left he donated 3000$ for Biblesafari.og. God’s ways of provision are so spectacular!

Thank you so much to all of you for your love, prayers and support!

To be continued…



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