Celebrating Ascension Day and May 5th (WWII liberation day in NL) in the hospital

Yes this was not wat we expected..
I was supposed to write a nice update sharing with you
1. the great news that an oral version of the gospel of Matthew is now available in a new language called “Eton” (who didn’t have any portion of scripture before).
2. And about how we have been so blessed in Holland to be able to use the home of a friend of mine where we have an entire 3brm apartment to ourselves.
3. Or about how we were preparing to go to Germany and due to a miscommunication we thought we had to leave May 2nd, but in actuality it’s May 7th so we got a few days to rest…

But before I had a chance to write all this, my husband was admitted in the hospital. 

Yesterday he was complaining of headache and in the night he had intense fever chills. When he woke up I called the hospital who recommended we pay them a visit. We suspected malaria and the usual- treatment then you’re fine- approach. However it turns out the malaria had been in his system for quite some time and had therefore also damaged the white blood cells. When there is a complication in addition to the malaria this is called “severe” malaria. The doctor recommended Jackson be admitted and his blood be monitored as treatment progresses. I am relieved he is at a center that specializes in tropical diseases and that this was discovered so it can be treated. At the same time I don’t think either of us grasp the severity of the situation. You immediately go into survival mode and don’t stop to think.
Of course we all miss “daddy” at home, and to process the children played “hospital” with me as their patient after dinner….

We are still planning to travel to Germany for the YWAM DNA event. There we will get to share about the African Bible Safari conferences that we held in Cameroon and the good news of the oral translation of the gospel. But we will leave it up to the Lord and the doctors as to when we can best make the trip!
Thank you for your prayers!



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