A Macedonian Call…. About the Miracle that Didn’t Happen and the Miracles that Did.

The Miracle that Didn’t happen:
It has now been 3 weeks that Jackson went to Cameroon. He was supposed to return on January 30th, but his R1Visa application is still pending!!
We were praying for a miracle, but that miracle didn’t happen. Instead we got notice from the lawyer that the waiting time was increased from 4 to now 7 months! This meant for us that “realistically” speaking we would have to wait 3 more months apart till Jackson can go back to the USA.

A Macedonian Call

We then started praying what all this meant? We desperately wanted to be together as a family again, rather sooner than the 3 months that we were faced with. We had a lot of good ideas but when we were pondering this scenario Jackson got the word in Acts 16 where it talks of the Macedonian call. It says “the Spirit hindered them from going into those places”. So it wasn’t an attack of the enemy, but it was God’s plan they go somewhere else for that season for which they were not “planning” for. We feel the Lord delayed the waiting time so that we would consider traveling earlier than we were originally planning. (As you remember we were communicating about an April-May outreach as a family). It now looks like the timeline has changed and we are doing a February-May outreach.
We then took the decision that February 16th the children and I will fly to Holland and Jackson will meet us there! From there we will get our visas and vaccinations needed for Cameroon and ask for the Lord’s guidance if there are other places to visit and things for us to do in Europe before we fly. Then we would wait for the visa in Cameroon or Europe and then fly back to the USA in June. It is so exciting to be a part of what God is up to in Europe and Africa and to be able to do this outreach with our children is very precious.


 The Miracles that Did happen


During this time that Jackson has been away 3 teenage girls have been an incredible help taking turns coming everyday to help me with the children and household. It has been such a blessing to get to know them and our children are really fond of these 3 sisters.
The 1st Miracle that happened is that God provided this help.
The 2nd Miracle is that I have been able to be so calm and peaceful through this process and new direction. There is such a sense of excitement in my spirit, I cannot explain it. Usually I am having a hard time with change or with the realities of packing up our house, but it seems like I have a lot of energy. Jackson said that was probably the biggest miracle so far :D.
The 3d Miracle is that in church a friend offered her basement and storage boxes for me to store our belongings. That is such a cost saver as renting a storage space can be expensive. I also have had countless people offer to help me one way or another in transporting all our things.

The Practical Reality:
The practical reality is that we will move out of our home and our responsibilities in the GO Center either temporarily or permanent, however the Lord leads. We will put our belongings in storage with our friends and then travel with what we need for our trip. We would like your prayers for wisdom and speed in packing!
We would also love your prayers for Jackson visa to Holland and our visas to Cameroon.

Financially we are nowhere near the 20,000$ we communicated in the last e-mail that we would need for this trip. Would you pray and ask the Lord if you are to give? This amount would cover airfares, visas, vaccinations and transportation (Our housing and feeding is included in our monthly budget).
Excited to see what the Lord is going to do in this new season as we respond to this “Macedonian Call”…

Thank you for standing with us in prayers and support,
the Ndecheck Family

We Miss You Daddy!! Hope stopped taking her afternoon nap. Kyndness started crawling forward.

REJoyce continues to think out of the box and interprets nap time as a time to play in your room with as many toys as possible..



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