A goodbye hug for daddy who is on a 10 day trip to South Korea

When we came back to Kona Jackson had already been talking to the African Bible Safari team member Sean (from S-korea) who was with him in Cameroon about traveling to Korea. Part of what Sean is doing is getting the Korean churches involved in African Bible Safari- Ending Bible Poverty Now in Africa. Because of this Jackson had been thinking about when to travel to Korea. Next week Call2All Korea will be gathering thousands of pastors from around the world to talk about Ending Bible Poverty Now amongst other things. Call2All is a global movement that meets once a year and this year it was Korea. So Jackson had been dreaming and praying about going. I had peace about this, but there were 2 challenges:
1) Entry visa into South Korea
2) Airfare
We started with the visa and sent all the papers to the embassy last week. We saw the tracking number had still not been entered on Tuesday, so in my mind I had given up hope he would be able to travel on Thursday. However it turned out they mailed it Tuesday night so it got here on Wednesday afternoon! MIRACLE 1!!
Just yesterday morning two people had given him a “pentecostal handshake” and there was exactly enough money to buy the ticket!! MIRACLE2!! We had 1$ left in the bank account when we booked it :D.
16 hours later he was en route to the airport. Oh.. the crazy life we have… But God is Faithful!

It is going to be a 10 day trip where it is all about building relationships and seeing what the Lord has. Of course he is also loaded with “Word by Heart” should the opportunity arise to present and in July he is co-leading the English/Korean Word by Heart school here in Kona! How appropriate!

Thank you for your prayers or as they say in Korean: Kam sam ni da!



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