Opa Klugkist was 95 years old when he passed in his sleep last Thursday.
It was a long life he had lived, and though at that age death can be expected, it was still a bit hard when the reality hit. This is my father’s father and my grandmother (age 91) is still alive. We have had precious times together and so many good memories. He was a teacher by profession and also became the director of a school. However he was already retired by the time I remember him so he was always around when we visited.
I could tell you about his humor, or his mischievous pranks and you wouldn’t stop laughing. He was fun to be around with. But had lived through the World War II as well. Endless stories. I never understood why he was retired as his help with my (to me boring) history homework, made it all come so alive for me. But when I look deeper into what my grandfather taught me then it is 2 things that stand out for me: LOVE and FAITHFULNESS. He loved sacrificially. Each day in every way. He loved my grandmother to pieces. He loved us grandkids, his own children and he loved to make us happy. He would give you his slice of meat, his dessert if that is what it took. He would let you win at board games, he and my grandmother would drive across the country to care for us when we were sick or in need. He would never say it was inconvenient or that something was not right. He would patiently, lovingly be grateful always. He loved watching others have a good time. I always enjoyed the stories he would read to us in the morning when we would do sleepovers. Apparently later on I heard that he is not an early riser, but he never let on that this was really hard for him and was always excited to see us grandkids.
When my grandmother would sing in the kitchen he would whisper to me- “she is so happy you are here- she sings when she’s happy!” He knew her inside and out and stood beside her whatever it took. He was so faithful. Faithful to his wife. He never spoke a bad word about her. He stood beside her in every situation and he even took over the household he had never done, when my grandmother fell down the stairs. They loved each other so deeply and celebrated 67 years of marriage last December. (Jackson and I actually share their anniversary as our court wedding was December 23d!)

This verse really defines who he was:
Proverbs 3:3-4
Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you;
bind them around your neck;
write them on the tablet of your heart.
So you will find favor and good success[a]
in the sight of God and man.

It was this love and faithfulness that reminds us of Jesus and he really lived out this life (perhaps without knowing it!) he had so much favor with man also. It was this love and faithfulness however that almost made him miss out in heaven. He wanted to surrender his life to Jesus, but he wanted to bring everybody with him. He was heart broken with the knowledge that not everyone he loved had taken this step so that is why he had held off till he realized he had to make a decision for himself. Thankfully he did take this step two years ago when he fully surrendered to Jesus. He had the full peace and assurance he was saved. His last words to me were- I can, I want to and I have to… (about dying). He was at peace and had found rest in Jesus.

This scripture came to mind as I was reflecting on his passing:
John 12:24- Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.

I pray that his death will bring forth these many seeds that is spoken of.
I know we will see each other in heaven.
I love you Opa!



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