Last week was Hope’s first “full” week (we have her in 4 days on Thursday she is off). What a milestone for her and what a milestone for us too. Together we counted the weeks till it was time to go to Preschool and she was so ready for it. She picked out a Princess backpack and her sister got to pick one out too. Together all 5 of us walked with her for her first day. We live about a 10 minute children’s pace, 3 minutes parent’s pace walk from the Preschool and we are very excited with all that Hope will be learning these next couple of years. The Curriculum is Christian, Bible based and teaches them the basics of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. She started this week learning about Creation. On Monday she was able to narrate the lesson the teacher had shared including the hand motions “In the beginning it was dark- now cover your face, can you see anything? no. Then God said let there be light- now open your hands..” She sounded like a mini teacher!

IMG_0319Fun facts:
– Hope now eats twice as much as she usually did at lunch time and keeps asking me to put more food in her lunchbox. She also compliments me when I pick her up “Mom that was such a great lunch today :-)”
– She is so exhausted at the end of the day she goes to bed an hour earlier than before.
– The goodbyes with her and REJoyce are the cutest they kiss each other when she leaves with daddy to drop her off in the morning.

I still remember what my mother was like when I was going to school and she always seemed so “mature”. Now that I am at the other end of the scope I feel so young, but have to admit I am roughly the same age as my mother was when I went to school 🙂 and I certainly don’t have it all together…

REJoyce and I are now enjoying precious quality time in the day as we have 7 weeks till Keiki Corner starts. Because of this she has become potty trained in 1 week! She was practicing for a while, but I couldn’t bring myself to do the actual training till now and she just did it. She keeps asking when Keiki Corner will start and explaining the concept of time- that it is in October, when it is now August is quite a challenge for a 2 year old.

Kyndness is loving the Hawaii life. He loves the outdoors to look at palm trees especially so it seems. He switches between being (very) hungry to taking long naps and life is just beautiful with him around.

Jackson is finishing up the Bible Safari and two teams are going on outreach next week. One team will go to Papua New Guinea to start recording the Jesus Film in local tribal languages. The other team will do the same here in Hawaii by translating the film into local Hawaiian language. All this is practice and preparation for multiplication to reach those that have never heard the Gospel in their mother tongue. What excitement!

I have recovered fully from the birth and postpartum period and am enjoying getting our home back in order and doing fun things with the children. Now that school has started more of my fellow mom-friends are around and it has been good to develop new friendships and hang out together.

Thank you so much for partnering with us in your prayers and support!

For a mini video of the trip to the Preschool on her first day, please click here





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