Today about 18 pastors will graduate from the 2nd African Bible Safari conference

They are just praying for the translation of the Bible into the Bible-less languages and have been processing how to apply the revelation they have gotten through this conference. I can describe this group of people with two words: humble and teachable. They had such humility and teachability in the various teachings. They participated and asked questions, thoroughly processing the various materials that were presented. Our team member Sean from South Korea shared the story of a nation that went from one of the poorest countries in the world to one of the wealthiest. From a missionary receiving nation to one of the largest missionary sending nations. What was the reason? The Bible! When the country applied the Bible to the foundations of their nation it changed from the inside out and Christianity brought freedom, development and fruitfulness. What a story! The pastors were really encouraged and it brought hope for their nation.
In between having some serious food poisoning I was able to teach two days on Personality Types and Plumbline Personalities. I was a little unsure how these pastors would enjoy filling out a questionnaire and learning about their personality preference but they loved it! They were so “into” it and said for the first time they understood more about themselves but also about their spouses. As the organizing pastor announced “sometimes we are casting out demons but now we have discovered there is no demon, it’s just your personality”.
Also the plumb line personalities were understood well. I challenged them to really make it personal and ask the Lord to give revelation about areas of struggle in their life. They all participated and I asked them to process and pray for each other in smaller groups. I think the greatest revelation there was that you can be a Christian (even a pastor) and still struggle with things. They all felt so grateful for having been given these insights as now that they know the problem they can work towards a solution.



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