This is how Kyndness and I get to work. He is sleeping in the carrier while I work with Loren on calendar and correspondence!

End Bible Poverty Now

In our previous updates I have written briefly about End Bible Poverty Now which is the big vision Loren has on his heart for the body of Christ in this present day and age. Here is the Prayer Covenant that we have signed and thousands of people are signing across the globe:
Prayer Covenant

I agree with Jesus that human beings do not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. (Matthew 4:4)

I believe that we must obey Jesus’ command to teach all people and nations(Matthew 28:19-20), therefore they must have the Bible in their own languages.

I declare that I will help end Bible poverty worldwide. I will pray and do everything possible to serve the following steps…

* …Translation of the Bible into the 1,800+ languages that have no portion of Scripture.
* …Production of Scripture in the most accessible form for each person, whether print, audio, video, mobile device, or online.
* …Distribution of the Word of God to everyone on earth by praying, working, recruiting, and supporting others for the task.
* …Education of people to understand and apply God’s Word. (Matt. 28:19,20)
* …Motivation for everyone, everywhere to engage with the Bible regularly. (Matt 4:4)

If you haven’t signed it yet, go to
Jackson and girls

Jackson has been asked to lead the End Bible Poverty Now in Africa

End Bible Poverty Now in Africa targets the 800 bibleless languages in Africa. Cameroon (Jackson’s home country) has 108 languages without any portion of scripture. Through the African Pastor’s Gathering (that Jackson had organized in April this year), doors have opened in Cameroon to follow through with this vision.
Starting January 2016 a team on ground will focus on this Oral to Oral Bible Translations in Cameroon. At the same time there will be partnership with the churches in Evangelism and Education. As part of the plan we have the vision for an “Institute for Community Transformation” where practical skill trainings will be offered. This institute will offer practical skill trainings for young people with no means to sustain themselves. There are 3 orphanages we are connecting with and the churches will also partner in with this. For example in the January team we have a family coming who are experienced in crocheting, knitting and sewing. In the April team there is a lady who is an agricultural specialist. She will focus on a skill training in this area etc. We are hoping to teach these basic skills in a 3 months course after which the participants can have a certificate. We will then enable them to start up their business.

There is still time to join any of the teams next year! e-mail us if you want more information.

So far 4 individuals, a married couple and this family of 5 have confirmed their coming which means a total of 11 volunteers for the January team.
In regards to our family we had felt the Lord tell us that Kona is to be our home, so it is interesting to see these doors open in Cameroon as we are able to be a “bridge”. Jackson will need to do several shorter trips to start up, transition and support what is going on (but we are not planning to move there for the year,) and we are praying about which part of the year we can go on a family outreach.
We will keep you updated on the developments!
Thank you for your prayers!
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