Your prayers, our prayers, we just want to share the testimony that happened after our last update. As you may remember about two weeks ago I wrote an update regarding our financial situation. We were facing an enormous mountain with the increased living costs- needing an extra 800 dollars per month just to keep the status quo. We also needed 5000$ to get started for October quarter.
In response to that e-mail we got several encouraging messages of those who were praying.

Now it is time to give you the testimony of what happened after you prayed!
We got an e-mail from our dear friends who were challenged by the Lord to increase their monthly support to us with 600 more dollars! For them this is a leap of faith, and for us this was such an incredible encouragement. They responded not out of pity, but because the Lord had spoken to them and was challenging them to do so. In addition they also wanted to take care of our debt and bills as well. We are just amazed and incredibly grateful. It truly is the Lord’s doing as I could not have planned it this way and that is why it is so encouraging. He wants us here and He is using you to fuel the work we are doing here. We are so grateful for all of you who are partners with us financially and in your prayers.

In addition on the first day of the quarter when I was supposed to renew my ID card and put money on it for meals there was 100$ cash in the mailbox so that I have not had to miss any meal but could immediately activate my card and eat! What a blessing!

All that remains now of the mountain is a little bump in the road which is to see the additional 200$ per month come in by January (which is when our housing fees go up).

After what just transpired these last two weeks I can confidently say- for with God nothing is impossible!

Whatever you are facing, look up to Him and He will take care of you.

Love and blessings,
Ndecheck Family



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