A New Chapter…

6 years ago we came to Kona on student visas and Jackson continued his Bachelor and Master degree at the UofN for all these years. Now we are starting a new chapter in our missionary lives as we entered the country on Religious Worker visas. We call it the “Missionary Visa” as it enables to fully focus on the work the Lord has called us to do. (Just to clarify: even though it seems we are now “employed” by YWAM all YWAM missionaries remain volunteers and do not receive salary. We are personally responsible for raising our support and trusting the Lord for His provision.)

Here in Kona Jackson is part of the Word by Heart leadership team and will be co-leading the July and September schools. Students at the UofN Kona Campus learn how to re-tell the Gospel word for word as an eye-witness.
At the same time he continues to lead the African Bible Safari that started in Cameroon since January. Practically this means he will be doing some traveling to Cameroon and the other countries that are engaging in “End Bible Poverty Now In Africa”. This is 1) Evangelism, 2) Oral Bible recordings in the 800 Bibleless languages, 3) Discipleship into the 7 spheres of influence of a society which also results in practical applications like orphan skill trainings.  The team members in Cameroon are continuing to find translators to record the Gospel in Bible-less languages, who will work with the orphans and who will do evangelism.

I (Anneke) have resumed my responsibilities assisting the Founders of our organization: Loren & Darlene Cunningham. Loren is invited throughout many nations of the world to share about End Bible Poverty Now as more and more become aware of the practical ways they can get involved in finishing the Great Commission.

The children are enjoying meeting old and making new friends. It is still 2 months till school starts, but our temporary housing on campus is across from the playground so that is very convenient!

We look back on 4 months of precious family visit, outreach and ministry opportunities and are eager to see what lies ahead now that we have come back “home”. Thank you so much for your partnership and prayers!



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