The past two weeks Jackson had set up TRIPS conferences in Kribi and Yaounde for pastors and christian professionals. If you remember from our previous updates this was a non-profit Jackson started two years ago to bring transformation in Africa through these trainings to equip them. He had taken groups of people in the past such as our lawyer friends, medical doctor and professor. This time around we welcomed YWAMers Juan and John to the conferences as guest speakers live and then zoomed in a few others. The whole team was part in the Kribi conference, but it was just our family plus the two speakers who went to Yaounde for the conference there. 
What was very encouraging is that in Yaounde the host was actually a partner organization that has as a slogan “Africa needs you to change.” They had the event so well organized and for three days and nights the venue was packed full. in the mornings and afternoons it was  a group of about 80 pastors and church leaders, then in the evening it was a group of about 60 Christian professionals. I got to share with them as well and I did a bit of an inquiry and found out that a few of them were educators, medical professionals, two farmers and then the majority worked in business. I talked with them about passing the test of compromise on their job as they are asked to do seemingly small things such as “change the books”, take a bribe etc. They recognized when the stakes are high it is not easy. We studied Daniel together and were encouraged by how God rewards faithfulness. I don’t know what was said in the other sessions but each day the conference started at 9am and ended at close to midnight (it was scheduled to end at 9pm) and people were just so blessed and challenged. For Jackson this conference was very special as he said it brings a lot of fulfilment of God’s faithfulness in his life. 



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