In the village of Fifinda II the Chief opened up his palace for the Medical Clinic to take place. Many villagers came out for a check up and treatment of various sicknesses and diseases. One of the patients was a little girl that was not looking good. Upon further inspection it was diagnosed by our Norwegian Doctor that she was severely anemic and needed hospitalization immediately or she would not make it. The team took her to a hospital in the city right away.
Why this is important is in the rural parts of Cameroon it’s miles away from good hospitals and hospitalization is not cheap. Since it is hard to determine if a case is “serious” people usually try traditional medicine for quite a while, often until it is too late. Without the clinic there that day, this girl would more than likely have died. 

During the medical clinic as they were sitting and waiting to be seen by the doctors 25 people gave their life to Christ! 

May 2022



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