A Season of Blessing, A Season of Miracles. Happy 2016!

Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. I have committed myself and I’ll never turn back from living by your righteous order (Ps 119:105-106).

What a year it has been! In 2014 the Lord spoke to us to “make Kona our home”. That is when we moved into the GO Center as building managers. We started investing into the volunteers that serve here and we have been privileged with many new relationships because of this. Some of those will also join the project in Cameroon next week!
It’s funny to see that after we put down our roots in Kona, in 2015 the Lord started opening the door to Africa. As Jackson took on End Bible Poverty Now in Africa a team has been formed to start in Cameroon next week!
Jackson has booked his ticket and will spend 3 weeks in Cameroon with the team this January. He will train christians in how to do Oral Bible recordings to tackle the 800 Bible less languages in Africa.
Anneke continues to serve the founders of our mission Loren & Darlene as they continue to impart to others what the Lord has taught them over these past 55 years of ministry. End Bible Poverty Now is the global campaign where Loren is calling the Body of Christ to engage in ending Bible Poverty. Bible translations, distribution but also education on how to read and use the Bible. So many things to be done but it is so exciting to realize that for the first time in history the gospel can be available in everybody’s heart language very soon…
What a privilege to serve them and what wisdom they have.

We enjoyed a very special visit from my brother and sister in law from before Christmas through the New Year. On Christmas day we organized the “Big family dinner” where we celebrated with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We hosted about 60 people at a potluck dinner and even enjoyed some dancing at the end of the party. New Year’s Eve we baked traditional dutch “oliebollen” and enjoyed a game of “creative” scrabble before midnight. How precious it was to fellowship with them. The children love spending time with their uncle and auntie and they will be missed for sure.


Hope has been thriving in Preschool. She was an angel during the Christmas Celebration and she learns so many things that she then shares at home. She recently said she wanted our house to be in heaven with all of us so that we could be with Jesus :D.


REJoyce continues to live out her name. Life is a celebration for this energetic 2 year old. She is very creative and likes to use her hands to explore the world (a kinesthetic learner). She will frequently be found in the bathroom experimenting with one of the numerous bottles of soap/cream/powder and water everywhere. With or without permission (mostly without..).


We are so grateful for this handsome gift from God 6 months ago. After his first christmas he started to crawl backwards. He is so eager to get a move on!

Jackson & Anneke

We will be celebrating our 7 year anniversary January 3d!
How fun to look back at 7 years in a row:
3 Jan 2009- Wedding in Cameroon- Start of missions in Nigeria
3 Jan 2010- 1 Yr celebration in the Netherlands-transition from Nigeria to Kona
3 Jan 2011- 2 Yr celebration at UofN Kona with my parents, Hope born in Oct
3 Jan 2012- 3 Yr celebration at UofN Kona- April Outreach to CMR & NL.
3 Jan 2013- 4 Yr celebration at UofN Kona- REJoyce born in June. Oct outreach to CMR & NL.
3 Jan 2014- 5 Yr celebration at UofN Kona- visit to NL in May.
3 Jan 2015- 6 Yr celebration at UofN Kona- Kyndness born in June
3 Jan 2016- 7 Yr celebration at UofN Kona with my brother and sister in law visiting.



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