The African Bible Safari has begun

As you will recall this summer the first seminar was launched where a team learned the technique for Oral to Oral Bible Translations and Jesus Film Script translations. The first team went on a joint outreach with Jesus Film to Papua New Guinea where they recorded the Jesus Film in several new languages. Now things are moving forward for Africa as in January a new team will be going to Cameroon.

To give you an understanding of the vision for “Ending Bible Poverty Now in Africa” we have created a project web site called:

This evening we are meeting with 20 more young people on the campus that have expressed an interest to partner with us in Ending Bible Poverty in Africa! We are excited who the Lord will bring to join the 11 volunteers that have already signed up.

The main goal of “African Bible Safari” is the Oral to Oral translations of the 800 Bible less languages in Africa. Next year the focus will start on the 108 bible less languages in Cameroon. We hope to have made a start on 12 of those next year. Some people on the January Team will be training church leaders and congregation members how to do these Bible translations. Others will be going to give practical skill trainings to those who are being reached out to with the Gospel. That is what will happen in January-March.

Please enjoy browsing through the project website.

You will also be able to donate towards this project.
For example:
-500$ will be the small business start up cost for those going through the skill training
-3000$ you can adopt one Bible-less language translation
These donations are all tax deductible and go through this designated fund account (so it is not mixed with our personal support).

On a personal level Jackson is preparing to fly down to Cameroon in January to start up this project. It is a new season for us as the Lord said “make Kona your home” and after this He started opening the doors in Africa. A newfound excitement as to how this is possible we realize we are in a role of being a bridge between the West and Africa. The plan is for Jackson to take several shorter trips to track with this project in Cameroon while continuing his responsibilities here in Kona and looking at ways to engage other nations in Africa.

This first trip in January will be one of several trips next year. If you would like to invest specifically into this, you can give towards his airfare via our personal fund. Please send us an e-mail if you are making a specific airfare donation.

We would also appreciate your prayers for this project and all those involved!

Thank you for your love and support.

The Ndechecks



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