He was given the incredible opportunity to teach the Word by Heart seminar to the entire base in Orlando Florida. Together with his leader Paul Childers, Jackson travelled to Orlando last Saturday. The week before we were praying as a family if he should go. REJoyce immediately responded “YES” (this is very unusual as she is in a “NO” phase right now). Hope first said that she was sad daddy had to leave. Then when we were praying she said “God said I don’t need to cry because it’s only for 1 week!” The Lord spoke to me about 7 days, so it was such a confirmation. Jackson felt so released to travel and the children have not reacted at all to him being gone, they are their happy, energetic selves.
Of course my hands are full, but that is how I like things. Last Saturday I had the privilege to make a wedding cake for friends of mine and I also helped by coordinating their wedding day. It was a lot of fun, but I couldn’t have done it without my friends Amanda and Simone who were holding Kyndness in between nursing sessions :D.
Jackson’s Word by Heart school is going well and the students are memorizing the book of Mark in English and Mandarin! Anticipation is building for their outreach where they will be able to go places where physical bibles are sometimes not allowed, but they have the Bible in their heart!
Loren Cunningham (whom I assist) is right now in Europe on a tour to share about End Bible Poverty Now: http://www.endbiblepovertynow.com. So much is happening as people are committing to be a part of (oral) translation efforts and teaching the people how to use the Bible. That it is the foundation for all of life.

Underlying to all of this are the two scriptures: Mark 16:15 Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation- This means a Bible in every language. Matthew 28:18-20: Go and make disciples of all nations..baptizing…teaching..

This means the commitment of people to go and show them how the Word of God can be used to transform nations, your life, your job, your family. The work we do here in Kona is focused on this and we are so grateful to serve in this way.



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