Only 2 more weeks to go till due date! If Baby Ndecheck decides to come early, we are so ready for his/her arrival!
I have been on a “cleaning frenzy” for a few days now- multiple loads of laundry, vacuuming, organizing toys, even dusting fans, the to do list in my mind seems endless and I feel a pressure like there is no time to lose… Work wise I have also been so blessed as 4 people have been prepared to take over different portions of my work (on top of their own) so now I am officially on maternity leave!
As we were driving to the last check up Jackson said, you know as we are preparing for this physical birth, I feel that at the same time there is a spiritual “twin” birth happening. As we wrote to you in the last update Ending Bible Poverty Now in Africa (which addresses the need for an Oral Bible Translation in the 800 bible-less languages in Africa) is how Jackson has been asked to contribute to the overall End Bible Poverty Now vision our founder Loren Cunningham has initiated across the globe ( As a next step of how to make this practical Jackson along with the help of our friend Sarah has designed an “African Bible Safari” Seminar for the UofN Kona Campus starting this July. It is a 6 weeks classroom- 5 weeks outreach series where students will learn the basics in Oral Bible Translation as well as using the equipment for recording and distribution. Then they will go to either Togo, Cameroon and DR Congo for their outreach to train the teams
that are being prepared in the local churches.
In order to do this seminar over the summer you don’t need to have done a DTS. So if you would like to read more about being part and joining this team, you can read about it on the University of the Nations Kona website. (
We would love to see many teams go out and start doing this work!
At the same time this seminar won’t be all. Jackson and Sarah have worked on several follow up ideas that we will share moving forward.
So this upcoming seminar is the spiritual birth we are anticipating. Along with the physical birth of our third born we would love your prayers for a smooth and healthy delivery!
Our friend and my colleague Dawn Gauslin blessed us with an amazing photoshoot. We are so grateful for her talent and her friendship.
The Ndecheck Ohana
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