The African Bible Safari Continues…

While Kyndness was charming the ladies during the YWAM DNA Conference in Germany, Jackson and I continued to build relationships with other YWAMers interested to join the African Bible Safari. So far 2 outreach teams have committed to come end of this year and in order to prepare the next phase of A.B.S Jackson flew to Cameroon with 3 other team members who will be staying there for the next couple of months. For him this will be a 1 week trip, but it is very important that the new team members have a smooth transition as a lot will need to happen on ground.

What is African Bible Safari all about?

Ending Bible Poverty in Africa by:
1) Evangelism through the Jesus Film solar projector backpacks- this we do with outreach teams and individuals partnering with local churches.
2) Oral to Oral Bible Recordings into the 800 Bible-less languages– So far we have recorded the Gospel of Matthew into one of those languages (called “Eton”). This we do with the team on ground for the “technical” aspect and then looking for local translators who know the “new” language fluently.
3) Discipleship of the nation via the 7 spheres of influence in a society.  This we do through pastor focused trainings of which we have given 3 conferences already. We also look for practical projects such as the skill based trainings for orphans that we ran in January-March.

Cameroon has 108 Bibleless languages, so  A.B.S will continue there till those are recorded. In parallel we have an invitation for Tanzania in August where we will start this initiative in East Africa. As more people and teams come on board these 3 areas can eventually grow across the continent.

During the DNA Jackson was able to share about this during one of the evening sessions and on the last night we as a team were able to present a USB with this oral Bible recording to Loren Cunningham as he shared the vision for “End Bible Poverty Now”.

In addition to African Bible Safari Anneke was asked to co-lead a worskshop on “moms in missions” together with Debbie Rottier (who has adult children now). One of the moms commented afterwards that what ministered to her was the joy she saw in us when we shared our stories.

Prayer Topics

– Embassy Appointment next week in order to get the approved visa in our passport. This should be pretty straight forward, but we only have 48 hours to get it done, so prayers for a speedy process!
– A “home” in Kona- currently our stuff is in storage and we have applied for temporary housing on campus. We are praying for a 3 bedroom home to move into this summer.



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